Tuesday 27 September 2016

10 things you don"t know about finland !!!!

The amount you get fined for speeding in Finland depends on the amount you earn

In Finland, traffic fines are based on two factors: the severity of the offense and the driver’s income. The most expensive speeding ticket ever given is believed to be the one given to Jussi Salonoja in Helsinki in 2003.  He was fined 170,000 Euros for driving 80 km/hr in a 40 km/hr zone.

The land of a thousand lakesas fined 170,000 Euros for driving 80 km/hr in a 40 km/hr zone.
There are exactly 187,888 lakes (larger than 500 m²) and 179,584 islands within the territory of Finland.

Land of the midnight sun
Finland is also called as the land of midnight sun, because in June and July the sun shines all day and all night in the north, not dropping below the horizon

There are no public payphones in Finland
Surprisingly, there are no public payphones in Finland! There are over 5 million mobile phones in Finland for a population of 5.4 million.

One and two cent coins are not used in Finland.
Finland observes rounding rules under which cash payments are rounded to the nearest 5 cent. Due to the rounding rules, one and two cent coins are not widely used in Finland. Although 1 and 2 cent coins are, strictly speaking, legal tender, shops are not obliged to take them.

6. Finland probably holds the world record for hosting world championships.

Finland holds world championships for wife carrying, mobile phone throwing, mosquito catching, swamp soccer, boot throwing, sauna and air guitar.

7. When driving in Finland you must keep your headlights on at all times.

It is a legal requirement to have your headlights on, whether in summer or winter, in sunlight or darkness, even under the midnight sun!

8. There are 2.2 million saunas in Finland.
                                   There are around 2.2 million saunas in finland that means 1 for 1.5 people 

9. In Finland children do not go to school until they are seven.
                                                                   it is mandoatory to give grades until the 8th grade 

10. Teachers typically spend about four hours a day in the classroom, and are paid to spend two hours a week on building curriculums and assessing student progress.

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